50 Best SpongeBob Memes & Epic Jokes Of All Time

Best SpongeBob Memes Funny Quotes

Don’t lie. You know who it is. That’s right, it's the bright yellow sponge that lives at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean and who has been on the air since 1999 and earned over $13 billion in merchandising revenue as of late 2017.

SpongeBob Square Pants! (Hold for applause.) 

For us Gen-Z kids growing up in the early 2000’s, SpongeBob made us laugh and forget about the trials of growing up (elementary school was brutal, yo). SpongeBob taught us the value of friendship and the value having passion for your career and hobbies. 

I still find SpongeBob’s passion for his work making Krabby patties to be an inspiration. I shall make writing my Krabby patties! 

I’ve loved SpongeBob since I was 13 years old, and my brothers and I bonded over the hilarious and quirky little fry cook from Bikini Bottom for years after. 

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From SpongeBob and Patrick's hilarious misadventures, the Krusty Krab and Squidward's epic jokes, and all their unforgettable friends, I grew up a SpongeBob fan and have stayed one ever since. 

And who couldn't love this friendly, upbeat show? SpongeBob’s ability to be unashamed about his feelings and his weirdness made him a fantastic role model for kids and adults alike.

Never ashamed of his best friend Patrick star, and passionate about jelly fishing even though no one else seemed to really care about it (besides Patrick). The show was/is just great, good fun all around. 

So, in celebration of 19 years of the funniest yellow sponge of Bikini Bottom, look to our collection of the 50 best SpongeBob memes and epic jokes of all time:

1. Claustrophobic means “afraid of Santa Claus”.

Squidward: “You’re making me claustrophobic.”

Patrick: “What does claustrophobic mean?”

SpongeBob: “It means he’s afraid of Santa Claus.”

Patrick: “HO, HO, HO!”

SpongeBob: “Stop it, Patrick! You’re scaring him!

2. When even SpongeBob’s metaphors can’t be serious.

SpongeBob 1: "Hurry up! What do you think I'm paying you for?"

SpongeBob 2: "You' don't pay me."

SpongeBob 1: “We don’t even exist. We’re just a clever visual metaphor used to personify the abstract concept of thought.”

SpongeBob 2: “One more crack like that and you’re out of here!”

SpongeBob 1: “No please! I have three kids!”

3. That one time when Patrick and SpongeBob learned a bad word.

SpongeBob: “Hey Patrick, how the *dolphin chirp* are ya?”

Patrick: “Pretty *dolphin chirp* good, SpongeBob!”

4. The time when SpongeBob and Patrick were musically pun-tastic.

SpongeBob: “Hey, a note!”

Patrick: “Turn it over there’s a letter.”

5. The time when SpongeBob displayed his gender fluidity.

Mr. Krabs: "That hat makes you look like a girl."

SpongeBob: “Am I a pretty girl?”

Mr. Krabs: "Uh well ... um ... You're ... You're beautiful."

6. The moment when SpongeBob completely missed the point.

Squidward: “SpongeBob, I have a confession to make.”

Sponge Bob: “You’re bald?!”

7. When SpongeBob takes “shrink” too literally.

SpongeBob: "You’re a bit smaller than I imaged, Doctor. I guess that’s why the call you ‘Shrink’.”

8. That time Patrick simply didn’t get it … again. 

SpongeBob: “I don't know how to say it, but our old pal Squidward ... He's ... He's…He’s pushing up daisies!” 

Patrick: “Oh, I thought he was dead.”

9. The time SpongeBob perfectly described how growing up feels.

SpongeBob: “I don’t want to grow up! I want cookies!”

10. The time SpongeBob got even weirder.

Squidward: “It’s a little itchy. What’s this made out of?”

SpongeBob: “Eyelashes!”

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11. The time SpongeBob was incredibly punny (see what I did there).

SpongeBob: “And now for the room with the most class: the classroom.”

12. The time the show got a little dirty.

SpongeBob: “Squidward said I could help by burying myself!”

Mr. Krabs: “Please tell me that is your nose.”

13. When SpongeBob got a little too real about the health benefits of hamburgers.

SpongeBob: “Oh, Krabby patty, I’m so glad we’re friends again!”

Giant Krabby patty: “Just remember, SpongeBob. I’m always in here.”

SpongeBob: “In my heart?”

Giant Krabby patty: “Actually in your arteries.”

14. When Sandy questions everything about sponges.

SpongeBob: “I have to, er, get a haircut.”

Sandy: “Wait a minute. SpongeBob doesn’t have hair … Or does he?”

15. When Patrick displayed what real friendship is by becoming SpongeBob’s biggest critic. 

SpongeBob: “Hi, Mr. Krabs.”

Mr. Krabs: “SpongeBob, what are you doing?”

SpongeBob: “Oh, you know. Just hanging around.”

Patrick: “Boooooo!”

16. When SpongeBob’s optimism reached new levels of hilarity.

SpongeBob: “If I were to die right now in some sort of fiery explosion due to the carelessness of a friend, well, that would just be okay.”

17. When SpongeBob wrote the perfect song for agoraphobics.

SpongeBob: *singing* “I know of a place where you never get harmed. A magical place with magical charm. Indoors, indoors. Innndooooorss! Take it away, Penny!”

18. When a SpongeBob meme perfectly describes the struggle of showers.

SpongeBob: “Nah. I don’t really feel like it.”

19. When Patrick gets in a fight … with himself.

Patrick: "It’s just a ride. What are you so afraid of? You can do it.”

Reflection: “No you can’t. You’re a big crybaby.”

Patrick: “Oh, yeah?! I thought we'd settled this the last time!"

20. When SpongeBob displayed how we all feel on a really bad days.

SpongeBob: “Can I be excused for the rest of my life?”

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21. When the

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