How He Ruins Intimacy When He's Feeling Majorly Insecure, By Each Astrology Zodiac Sign

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How He Ruins Intimacy When He's Feeling Majorly Insecure, By Each Astrology Zodiac Sign

Some men are strong but intimacy can make them weak in their relationships especially when there's a problem that involves how you feel towards him as a man. The reason can be explained by astrology and found in his zodiac sign, if you're curious as to why.

Insecurity are could be compared to death and taxes. We all have them and it's one thing everyone has in common.

Relationships are an inevitable part of life and we all need them. Unfortunately there are a few other things that happen in intimate relationships, and insecurities are one of them.

However, like anything else in life, people deal with their insecurities in different ways, and interestingly enough this be gauged depending on a person’s zodiac sign.

Now I’m not here to tell you how you can guess what a person’s zodiac sign is by how they act insecure. I find it more useful to point out how each astrological sign displays insecurity if you’re in a relationship and your union happens to be on the rocks, particularly in the intimacy department.

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Now I just would like to preface these evidences of of insecurity by saying that these aren't the end all be all in terms of marking the fate of your relationship. Depending on what your man's horoscopes says about him, is what counts. He could be jokingly insecure, or he may be disturbingly insecure, and insight into those personality traits can be found in astrology.

Either way neither are absolute. Just because he may typically display insecurity the closer you become more than other men it doesn't mean you can't work with him to try and get rid of his insecurities.

After all, more often than not, when a person is insecure it's because they lack validation from their significant other. Validation is particularly important to men. A man can be strong, confident, and have high self-esteem, but be weak when he loves a woman.

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He can be smart and a hard worker who loves you, but without validation, his insecurity kicks in and it can affect how he feels when intimate, even in conversation. However, this is not to throw shade at you. Some people just need more validation than others. So, if you are looking for him to open up more and share his feelings, let's fix that. 

Whether it's you constantly telling him he has no reason to be insecure, or showing him (which would work better), or a bit of both, it's worth being more vulnerable to make your relationship even stronger.

Hear me out, from a male's point of view. Here's how each male zodiac sign acts when insecurity issues kicks intimacy issues into high gear, but looks like low self-esteem, by zodiac sign in astrology.

1. ARIES (March 21-April 19) 

Trigger: Your admiration and respect.

Not being the alpha-male (or most respected). Typically they can’t handle not being the best at whatever it is that they do. Sadly this doesn’t just pertain to their career. Usually when a person (especially a guy) feels the need to assert their dominance in every facet of their life, everything is a competition.

They compete with their friends to be the most respected; they compete with their siblings to be the most favored (to their parents); they compete with their wife to be the better spouse; if they have children they compete with their wife to be the better parent and so on and so forth.

Therefore if you’re in a relationship with a man who is always trying to out-do you, this may be why. Letting him know you think the best of him will help him overcome his insecurity and he'll naturally feel closer to you as a result.

RELATED: 10 Brutal Truths About Loving An Aries Man

2. TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

Trigger: Not giving you what you want or need.

A Taurus male is born to be possessive and a bit stubborn. He can get insecure about his status and will always compare himself to others. It's not because he's insecure or lacks an ability to be deep, it's because he's a money sign in astrology and wants to provide security and nice things for you.

In contrast to Aries, though, he may not try to compete with everyone, but at least will always be analyzing how they match up to him. So if you’re used to him overthinking things or never being satisfied if someone else’s (even your) situation is perceived as more favorable, this is most likely why.

You can help encourage him by showing him you are comfortable with the process of self-improvement and lots of praise goes a long way.

RELATED:8 Brutal Truths About Loving A Taurus Man

3. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) 

Trigger: Feeling excluded. 

Gemini men aren't ones to jump into commitment, so when he decided he wanted to be with you, he meant it. Feeling like he's being left out triggers his self-esteem and can affect trust. Geminis get really insecure when they’re not included in something. Unfortunately it doesn’t matter how big or small of a deal it is.

Whether they were left out of a group text or weren’t consulted by their partner about their child getting their first cell phone, that Gemini can take offense to either.

In response they’ll most likely confront you every time this happens or bottle it up and explode at some point. Therefore you may want to make it a habit of running things by them going forward.

RELATED: 7 Brutal Truths About Loving A Gemini Man

4. CANCER (June 21-July 22)

Trigger: Lacking your undivided attention.

Self-worth and intimacy with the Crab go hand-in-hand. Cancers’ arch

Keywords: astrology, insecure, insecurity, intimacy, relationship, relationship advice, zodiac, horoscope, self esteem, intimacy intervention, zodiac sign, zodiac signs, relationship challenges, insecure men, intimacy advice, intimacy issues

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