If You Have These 30 Traits, Consider Yourself An Empath

Photo: unsplash / antonio francisco
30 Personality Traits That Are Signs You're An Empath

Empaths are very emotionally connected to others. They are able to really read into situations and listen in depth. Not everyone possesses the personality traits that empaths are lucky enough to have. 

Sure, it may seem like a burden at first just because they feel things so deeply. Emotions can run high and sometimes cause some inward anxieties and moodiness. But all those feelings are used as greater insights into life. They are able to see the world differently than others. That is special. 

You or someone you know may be an empath. If you are, congratulations! You will forever be the person that many people run to for advice, consoling, and just a friendly presence. That is an amazing power to have. 

Find out if you or anyone you know possess any of the traits that are signs you're an empath! 

1. Knowing

Empaths have a deep sense of knowing that is unwavering and unquestionable which comes with pinpoint accuracy in its description. They are capable of reading others without obvious cues and can describe what’s really going on beneath the surface.

They know if someone is being dishonest or not speaking their truths. The more attuned they are to their empathy the stronger and more frequent the knowing and reading abilities will be.

2. Effective Listeners And Communicators

A natural ability to listen with all their senses acutely attuned allowing the person to feel as though they are being heard and understood. They can intuitively guide a conversation with sincere compassion enabling even the most reserved person to respond and express their deepest and even most painful thoughts and feelings they wouldn’t ordinarily share.  

In most case, it is carried out in an unspoken confidence and trust, yet if a situation potentially calls for outside intervention (i.e. self-harm) they will weigh up the need to act in the best interest of that person, not self, even if it means risking ongoing relations.

3. Overwhelmed In Public Places

Shopping malls, supermarkets or stadiums where masses of people gather can be overwhelming and even lead to panic attacks or anxiety due to the myriad of emotions being sensed and until this is contained and manageable they will steer clear of being in said surroundings.

4. Feeling Others Emotions Pains, Illnesses And Stresses

Due to heightened sensitivities to emotional and physical energy, it is a very common occurrence to take on-board the emotions etc. of others and not even realize they are doing so. Directly mirroring it as though it was their own.  

It can make it very difficult to distinguish what is belonging to self or another and life can become extremely overwhelming. Self-awareness brings a greater degree of control and the ability to determine whose emotions etc. are whose and not get caught up in it.

5. Mood Swings, Unpredictable And Needy

They can experience extreme highs and lows which makes them unpredictable in behavior at the best of times. One minute they can be happy and the next minute very sad and withdrawn which is not always the result of how they actually feel but what they have picked up in others, this can be confusing let alone depressing.

They can also be very demanding of attention, be it for good reasons or not. If they feel they are not being heard they will act out and come across as needy, even narcissistic, although they would seriously question and oppose the latter. Just because one may have strong empathy at some point in time does not mean they are not akin to being so overwhelmed with it that they fall heavily towards narcissism.

6. Sensitive to TV, Radio, and Movies And Real Life Chaos

Violence, cruelty, shocking scenes of physical or emotional pain or abuse can bring an empath to tears. They may even feel physically ill, bewildered and struggle to comprehend such acts as being justified. One sure way of dealing with this is to turn off the TV or radio or disassociating yourself from the chaos.

7. Prone To Illness, Disease And Physical Pain

Because of the onslaught of emotional energy, they are overly sensitive too and in most cases, they don’t know how to deal with this can become problematic and manifest into varying forms of illnesses or disease. It is vital to learn about emotional energy, distinguish its origin and apply the tools that will allow the person to move forward with balanced wellness. Existing illnesses and disease can potentially be laid to rest once and for all in doing so.

8. Magnetic Pull Of Trust

Others, including strangers, are drawn to an empath like a magnet and find it easy to express themselves and resonate with them on a deep and meaningful level; they will often feel like they have known each other for many years even though they may have just met.  

People have this innate sense of trust and feel comfortable and relaxed in their presence yet are conscious they would not normally feel this way.  

9. Constant Fatigue

They are drawn to helping others and in doing so take on more than their fair share to personally cope with both emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually and will experience constant fatigue. They may need to take daily catnaps or retreats just to replenish their energy and feel revitalized.

10. Addictive Behavior

Can be caused by wanting to escape from what they are bombarded with or a desperate need to feel connected.

Their heightened sensitivities more than often don’t come with an awareness of how to deal with it, (the energies they pick up on like sponges) let alone what is happening and they will adopt addictive tendencies to drown out, numb and distract them, such as drinking, smoking, taking drugs, binge eating to gambling etc.

Unfortunately for some, in doing so (i.e. taking drugs) it can heighten their sensitivities even more and create greater issues.

RELATED: 8 Signs You're DEFINITELY An Empath (And What It Means For You)

11. Healing, Holistic Health, And Wellness

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Keywords: personality, personality traits, empath

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