Monthly Astrology Horoscope Forecast For March 2018 For Each Zodiac Sign

Monthly Astrology Horoscope Forecast For March 2018 For Each Zodiac Sign

Your monthly astrology horoscope forecast is in to let you know what's in store this March 2018 for all zodiac signs.

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This month, retrograde season begins with both Uranus, and then Mercury enters season mid-month. In March, we have two Full Moons and one New Moon. It's as though March is making up for the lack of a Full Moon that February did not have.

This will provide a nice, nurturing energy for all zodiac signs as things begin to heat up when the Sun moves into the 1st House of astrology, Aries the sign of the Ram!

This month may still be for lovers, as Venus is still in the sign of Pisces, but it's also a time to get yourself together. Virgo is the critical eye that we need to see what needs to be restructured. 

So, if you still have the Christmas tree up, put that away. If you're feeling like painting the walls, why not give in to your longings?

RELATED: How The Complicated Full Moon In Virgo Will Seriously Affect Your Love Life This Month

Virgo loves beautiful surroundings, particularly home environments. They may be sticklers for rules, but if you've ever been around a Virgo friend, mother, or lover, you know how they also can be quietly playful, child-like, and nurturing. 

Pisces is happiest when the energy is about nurturing and love. So, begin the month with this in mind. You are balanced. You are amazing, and this month is going to be awesome!

Here's what's happening in the universe that affects your monthly horoscope and zodiac sign and what this month's planetary changes are for March 2018:

Note: These apply to everyone, however, if one of the planets is your planetary ruler it will have more of an effect on you.)

March 1st: Full Moon in Virgo

Well, if you needed an excuse to do your Spring cleaning this month, here's your signal. No, those clothes that you'll never fit in again aren't bothering you because it's time to go on a diet. It's time to get organized and care for your self in a new way.

Out with the old and in with the new, Virgo says. Not only is Virgo providing you a nurturing nudge to get your clean on, her energy is also encouraging you to show up for your favorite people and let them know you care. 

March 6th: Venus and Mercury enter Aries

We go from a quieter and more passive approach to conversations and become a bit assertive. Unlike Pisces who may mull over an idea for sometime before reaching a conclusion, Aries is quick to decide and move on to the next great idea.

Be careful not to be caught off guard if your passion for words comes through in conversation with others. Mars rules Aries and so there's a chance that being too flippant when you don't mean to be could create a bit of tension with others. 

March 8th: Jupiter goes retrograde in Scorpio until July 10th

Progress slows down and we have a reason to table projects that aren't working during this time. There may be delays or perhaps changes in the energy that make others hesitant about moving forward. It's a time to consider your own thoughts and ideas of what you're working on to make sure that your time is invested in a way that will benefit you later on.

​March 8th: Mercury enters shadow phase before retrograde season

We can sense the tension that rises when Mercury begins to give us a nudge that it's time to reflect on our journey, relationships, ideas and thoughts. During this phase, we may notice others wanting to be more intentional while handling problems that stem from the past, and maybe even resolve issues that seemed to be resolved but need a final comb over. 

March 14th Jupiter semi-square Saturn 

This is a harsh aspect and we feel it. The desire to grow is met with restrictions and it will be easy to get frustrated at our progress and we may feel as though we should take some kind of swift action to break through plateaus. Rather than push through or try to find a workaround, let the chips fall where they may and rest on the knowledge that this too will pass. 

March 17th: New Moon in Pisces

We gain a boost of new perspective realize that it's about the journey. Perhaps it could be the tension of the month building and we are finally ready for a big release that can only come from within.

March 17th: Mars enters Capricorn

Whatever you are doing, you'll want to be on your A-game. Positioning will be everything at this time, and all zodiac signs will be willing to put in the time, energy and effort to find it.

March 20th: Sun enters Aries

We learn to tackle things new projects and perhaps feel more energized than we did the last month. There's a desire to get out more, to move more, and to get active. 

March 22nd: Mercury turns Retrograde until April 15th

​Mercury goes retrograde in the sign of Aries. Not being able to dominate a challenge is the greatest challenge to the self-starter of the zodiac. We all get a taste of this anxiety and start to contemplate what brings our sense of doubt to rise. 

March 31st: Venus enters Taurus

If you love food or are a

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