How Your Zodiac Sign Deals When Life Gives You Lemons

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when life gives you lemons zodiac sign astrology horoscope

Everyone knows the saying, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade," which basically means when life gives you someone you don't know how to deal with — or something difficult and uncomfortable (and sour like lemons) — you make it work and you make the best out of a bad situation.

But sometimes, life doesn’t just hand you lemons and say, "Make it work!" like Tim Gunn.

No, sometimes life gives you like 10,000 orders of lemons like that Olympic team with the eggs and you have to decide if you want to actually try to make lemonade out of this crazy amount of lemons or if it's just better to throw them all away and start over.

Because, unlike eggs, you can't really return your lemons and get your money back... especially if life is giving you these lemons.

Life is difficult, there's no denying that.


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But whenever you make it work in your favor, especially when life is really hard, it makes it that much sweeter to know that you can do pretty much anything and succeed.

But the way you deal when life gives you lemons isn't the same as any of the other zodiac sings when life gives them lemons.

Sure, you might have the same general idea in mind - like making lemonade or throwing them at people who try to tear you down (not recommended IRL) - but for the most part, every sign handles hard times in life differently.

Think of making lemonade from lemons the standard response to a problem; life hands you a problem and you tackle it. Easy, right?

Some zodiac signs see a problem and magically turn it into a situation where they come out winning instead of just handling it and moving on.

Others know that the problem they have to deal with isn't going to be a pretty one, so they try to make it as painless as possible by adding some alcohol and making like a hard lemonade instead of regular lemonade.


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Whatever makes sense to you will make sense to your zodiac sign.

Like I said, everyone deals with problems differently, but as long as you actually make something work for you, life will never get you down.

Even if you need to borrow a lemonade recipe from a friend or just wing it and hope it doesn't taste too bad, it's at least important to try instead of giving up just because you didn't expect this problem to happen.

And once you tackle one problem, you're pretty much already a pro at tackling a bunch of problems.

So, keep reading to find out how your sign deals when life gives you lemons, based on your horoscope and astrology.

ARIES (March 21 - April 19)

Squeeze them in people’s eyes!

Aries, you’ve never been one to let others run your life, but you also aren’t someone to just sit around and let life happen to you. You tend to take pleasure in being in control of your life, even if your idea of control is a little bit more aggressive and “grab life by the horns” –ish than other zodiac signs.

When life hands you lemons — or throws them at you — you don’t sit by and hope things work out. You toughen up and you show life who’s boss. If that means reminding everyone that you’re the captain of your own ship or skipping the niceties and going straight for the lemon-in-the-eyes move, so be it.

You want to live your own life on your own terms. Anyone who wants to try to take that away from you should probably expect some of that lemon-squeezing action of yours.

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TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)

Make orange juice and let everyone wonder how you did it.

Taurus, you’re not someone who lets a few tough times get you down, even when everyone else would be way too stressed to keep pushing through. For you, when life gives you lemons, it’s a chance to contemplate what you really want out of life and go for it.

Your stubbornness and inability to let things go that you really care about is very important here. When life gives you lemons, you like doing things your own way.

You won’t tell anyone your next moves because you believe in keeping your success quiet, but you should be prepared for a lot of questions when you end up with orange juice instead of lemonade. You’re a force to be reckoned with and after seeing what you can make out of lemons, everyone is sure to be impressed and a little intimidated.

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GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)

Throw them at people!

Gemini, you’re another zodiac sign that wants to be the boss of your own life, not the other way around. And if that means you have to be a little pushy and throw your lemons at people who want to try to bring you down, then that’s exactly what you’re going to do.

You might be a little confused about what to do with these lemons at first, and even give life a questioning look, but you tend to figure it out quickly. A lot of people in your life know that you can sometimes be persuaded to listen to them if you’re already feeling somewhat indecisive about life giving you lemons. (Do you make lemonade?

Do you do nothing?) But once you figure out exactly how to handle your problems, these same people better back up because you have an incredibly throwing arm — only YOU can decide what to do when life gives you lemons.

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Keywords: astrology, zodiac, get over it, zodiac sign, zodiac signs, lemonade, lemons, know your lemons, life gives you lemons

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