The Reason Each Zodiac Sign Tells Lies, According To Astrology

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Lying Zodiac Signs Astrology Horoscope

Just because someone says that they hate lying doesn't mean that they don't lie every so often. We're all susceptible to white lies whether we like it or not, no matter which zodiac sign in astrology we're associated with.

Some people are natural born liars and the reason why honesty is such a problem can be found within their zodiac sign, or astrological chart. 

For example, Pisces when connected to a person's Venus sign, is considered a bit of a liar in love, mostly out of fear. 

You may have had your own personal experience with a would-be-liar. Maybe you accidentally tapped another car while you were trying to get out of a small parking spot or maybe you ate the last cookie in the kitchen at work even though everyone knew you already had two earlier that day.

In those situations, it's not terrible to lie.

I mean, I've done both before and it's sometimes easier to just assess the situation to make sure that you're not doing any damage and then walk away.


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Of course, it those cookies were a surprise for someone’s birthday and now they're all gone because someone ate them all, that would be something you might want to apologize for.

It's only right! But really, little lies aren't terrible unless that's all you do is tell little lies.

But sometimes, we lie for good reason — or what we think is a good reason.

If you lie to protect your friends and family, does that make you a bad person or does it make you someone who would do anything for the people they love? What about if you lie to get ahead in your career or for personal gain?

That isn't always the right way to handle things, but if you're protecting your loved ones, that might be different. It really all depends on if you're lying selfishly or for others and if your lies are for good or bad.

Obviously, everyone has a different definition for what is good and bad, but you get my point. If it feels like the right thing to do, then maybe it is.

And based on astrology, we all lie for different reasons.

Some of us do it because we want to be seen as someone who is well-liked by all, while some of us just want to try to help others.

If you ask me, lying is a grey area; there's a lot of rights and wrongs that get muddled depending on who you're talking to or what the situation is that you can never really say that lying is good or bad.

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Not unless it's just straight up damaging to lie.

My advice would be to use your best judgment and listen to what feels right in the moment.

And if it turns out that what you thought was the right way to handle something but ended up making things worse (like eating treats that weren't meant for you), then it's up to you to make it right.

Think you can handle that? I hope so, because missing cookies are nothing to ignore. Keep reading for the true reason each sign lies, based on your horoscope.

ARIES (March 21 - April 19)

Aries, you don't normally lie unless it's for a good reason - or at least what you consider a good reason. For the most part, you tell the truth because you know how messy it can be to start lying and not be able to stop. When you do lie, it's usually for two reasons.

The first is to protect your loved ones; you might not necessarily condone them lying either, but you will lie for them if they ask you to because your relationships with them are important. The other time you lie is to protect your vulnerable ego, which is not as self-assured and strong as you'd like it to be.

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TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)

Taurus, you are all about making sure that the people you like, like you. One of your biggest nightmares is having someone spread rumors (or gossip that's actually true) about you and you not being able to defend yourself. So, when you lie, you're really doing damage control.

You lie to protect your reputation. Even if it's a white lie and not something huge, it makes you feel better to know that you're taking what you call "direct action" for yourself. You don't like lying in any other situation besides ones for personal gain.

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GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)

Gemini, you often find that life gets really boring when everyone does what they're supposed to and nobody causes trouble. You feel that life should be unexpected and fun, so sometimes you'll lie just to start some drama — usually between your friends or between you and your bae.

When you lie to start drama between your friends and loved ones, you try to do it in a sneaky way that doesn't end up leading back to you; you're not about to take that kind of heat. And if it does end up back on you, you have more lies set up to protect yourself from backlash.

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CANCER (June 21 - July 22)

Cancer, you're a very introverted, introspective sign that would rather handle things on your own or in your head instead of bringing others into your very personal life. Sometimes, you lie just because it's easier than telling others the truth;

Keywords: astrology, lying, zodiac, liars, zodiac sign, zodiac signs, why people lie, dishonest people

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